Tuesday, June 30, 2009

July 1, 2009 Balances

Savings Balance: $1,710.13 - a decrease of $331.86 (we had a small paycheck stolen from us thus this $330 had to come from somewhere.)

CC Balances: $11,340.00 - a payoff of $243.07

IRA Balances: $ 200.94 - an increase of .18 cents

Mortgage Balance: $130,470.00 - a total payoff of $ 173.18

Extra Mortgage Payment Balance: $815.68

June Eating Out Totals:

Well, I am VERY pleased to say we lowered our eating out total for the month of June SIGNIFICANTLY.

Our total for June was $ 383.17 a decrease of $ 142.59 from May And a decrease of $ 92.58 from April! Yay for us! We're getting better! :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

June 1, 2009 Balances

Savings Balance: $2,041.99 - a decrease of $1127.92 (we purchased a new car being as the truck needed an additional $4,600 in repairs)

CC Balances: $11,583.07 - a payoff of $264.00

IRA Balances: $ 200.76 - an increase of .18 cents

Mortgage Balance: $130,643.35 - a total payoff of $ 169.99

Extra Mortgage Payment Balance: $817.35

May Eating Out Total:

Well, last month we didn't do so hot. :( We're already doing better this month though. So we're still working on it!

$525.76 a decrease from April of $176.30 but an increase from March of $77.20.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 1, 2009 Balances

Savings Balance: $3,169.91 - a decrease of $474.58 (we had an emergency repair to the truck)

CC Balances: $11,828.80 - a payoff of $274.20

IRA Balances: $ 200.58 - an increase of .22 cents

Mortgage Balance: $130,813.34 - a total payoff of $ 169.26

Extra Mortgage Payment Balance: $819.02

April Eating Out Totals:

This month's total is quite large, but one must take into consideration that we went on vacation for 8 days so that's where the huge difference comes from. And here they are:

Vacation Eating Out Total: $ 475.75

Regular Monthly Eating Out Total: $ 223.31

For a Grand Total of: $ 699.06

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April 1, 2009 Balances

Savings Balance: $3,644.49 - an increase of $387.56

CC Balances: $12,103.00 - a payoff of $483.59

IRA Balances: $ 200.36 - an increase of .22 cents

Mortgage Balance: $130,982.60 - a total payoff of $ 168.53

Extra Mortgage Payment Balance: $820.69

March Eating Out Totals

Yay! Our total monthly eating out expenses went down yet again! I'm very proud of our family! We will continue to take this total down, down, down during April as well! :)

$ 448.56 - a reduction of $ 41.16

Monday, March 2, 2009

March 1, 2009 Balances:

Savings Balance: $3,256.93 - an increase of $1,526.27

CC Balances: $12,586.59 - a payoff of $194.63

IRA Balances: $ 200.14 - an increase of $200.14

Mortgage Balance: $131,151.13 - a total payoff of $ 167.83

Extra Mortgage Payment Balance: $822.36

February Eating Out Totals

Well, we did better this month than last! I am not "Happy" with our total for February but it IS better than January's!

$ 489.72 - a reduction of $ 71.74

We will try to do better again this month! :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 1, 2009 Balances:

Savings Balance: $1,730.66 - an increase of $440.66

CC Balances: $12,781.22 - a payoff of $766.65

IRA Balances: $ 0.00

Mortgage Balance: $131,318.96 - a total payoff of $ 167.13

Extra Mortgage Payment Balance: $823.13

January Eating Out Totals

Wow! I am Ashamed of myself for this total! :(

$ 561.46


We will DEFINITELY try to do much better in February!

January 1, 2009 Begining Balances

Savings Balance: $1,290.00

CC Balances: $13,550.87

IRA Balances: $ 0.00

Mortgage Balance: $131,486.09

Extra Mortgage Payment Balance: $824.53

2009 Fiancial Goals

1) Save at least $100 in our Emergency Fund every month to bring total to an 8 month emergency fund.

2) Eat out less, or spend less doing it.

3) Open IRA's for my husband and I.

4) Pay 1 extra mortgage payment per year.

5) Pay off CC debt.