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Savings Balance: $1,710.13 - a decrease of $331.86 (we had a small paycheck stolen from us thus this $330 had to come from somewhere.)CC Balances: $11,340.00 - a payoff of $243.07IRA Balances: $ 200.94 - an increase of .18 centsMortgage Balance: $130,470.00 - a total payoff of $ 173.18Extra Mortgage Payment Balance: $815.68
Well, I am VERY pleased to say we lowered our eating out total for the month of June SIGNIFICANTLY. Our total for June was $ 383.17 a decrease of $ 142.59 from May And a decrease of $ 92.58 from April! Yay for us! We're getting better! :)
Savings Balance: $2,041.99 - a decrease of $1127.92 (we purchased a new car being as the truck needed an additional $4,600 in repairs)CC Balances: $11,583.07 - a payoff of $264.00IRA Balances: $ 200.76 - an increase of .18 centsMortgage Balance: $130,643.35 - a total payoff of $ 169.99Extra Mortgage Payment Balance: $817.35
Well, last month we didn't do so hot. :( We're already doing better this month though. So we're still working on it!
$525.76 a decrease from April of $176.30 but an increase from March of $77.20.